MKP Plugins

The new, improved and lightweight version of the MKP_Connect WordPress plugin consists of these files:

    • MKP_Base: this plugin contains commonly used functions that, in the old plugin were replicated many times. It is the base class for three more plugins:
      • MKP_IGroups which loads the MKP I-Groups XML data and filters and renders it for display on various web pages.
      • MKP_Communities which loads the MKP Community XML data and filters and renders it for display on various web pages.
      • MKP_Contacts which loads the MKP Contact XML data and filters and renders it for display on various web pages.

All plugins use shortcodes to invoke their functionality. Each plugin supports a “shortcodes” code that will display the shortcodes the plugin recognizes, E.G.:

mkp_base shortcodes


[mkp_base shortcodes]