I-Groups use shortcodes as well. I-Group shortcodes include:
- Shortcode Modifiers:
- show_base_codes – list mkp_base shortcodes as well
- Region, Area or Community Modifiers:
- region={* or region name}
- area={area name}
- community={community name}
- children – include children of area or region
- reload – download a fresh copy of the XML data
- list – render as a list of selected I-Groups
- Mapping Shortcodes:
- get_latlng = attempt to get latitude / longitude data from Google for any I-Groups that don’t have this data. See note below.
- map – produce a map for
Here is how to show a list of all I-Group shortcodes.
mkp_igroups shortcodes
[mkp_igroups shortcodes]